Playful Hands

Minoru Ito (Takram)

The barriers to uptake of myoelectric prosthetic arms for children are largely about affordability, access and perception. Takram sought to design a robust yet playful alternative that uses low cost construction, sensors and actuators.

The three prototypes experiment with a range of gripping functions that balance manual and automatic operations. The aim is to provide children with a fun yet controllable ‘hand’ that can support optimal development during early stages and lead to more advanced alternatives as they grow.

Future applications include adding AI functionality, and incorporating automatic operations to existing prosthetic products and educational toys.

Roppongi Hills, Mori Tower 52F, TOKYO CITY VIEW

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02.11—03.12 | 10:00—22:00


Artist Profile

  • Minoru Ito (Takram)

    Minoru Ito is a design engineer at Takram Tokyo. He research and develop modern expression realized by up-to-date technology, also contrive spread it to everyone. In 2014, he published “vvvvook – A GUIDE TO VISUAL PROGRAMMING FOR PROTOTYPING.”, the guide book of vvvv.