Rhizomatiks Architecture
Architecture has been advanced by variety of technology. Through its gigantic cultural impact, Architecture absorbs shape, function, art and religions.
It start shifting radically because of current fast development stream of CAD, architectonics, BIM and CIM including Artificial intelligence and 3D scan technology.
How Ai, 3D city, IoT and ICT will change our city?
Through 2 workshop, we will share our current states of research in these field and test / experience with participants to find right path of architecture.
3/11,/12 ( 1-4PM)
WS2: CITY Artificial Intelligence workshop
3/2, 3/3 (6-8PM)
Artist Profile
Rhizomatiks Architecture
Rhizomatiks Architecture
Rhizomatiks Architecture is our division dedicated to re-envisioning
how people think of approach space. By augmenting the experience of digital-technology-driven creative to the larger world of space and city, we create nonfinite buildings in a state of constant flux and evolution. Our seamless journey through initial survey, design, content development, and event management transcends the barrier of hardware/software. This process traverses the experience of place to arrive in the phenomenological realm, creating all the action in site, both physical and virtual.