ENERGY #02 [with LEXUS LC]

    Akinori Goto (Akinori Goto×LEXUS LC)

    The human body is capable of exquisite movement, the beauty of which lies not only in the act itself but also in its entanglement with the concept of time.

    For this piece, the artist analyzed data from human motions he considered beautiful, and reconstructed them in three-dimensional form. Each frame is seamlessly weaved together in an attempt to give shape to the invisible concept of time, and aims to capture the relationship, qualities, and beauty of time and motion.

    The mesh sculpture in mid-air represents a time cluster, and when a beam of light is projected on it, “motion” appears.

    The form that extends from the center outward, as if cutting through space, traces the trajectory of human motion, and is designed so impart, upon taking step back for a wider view, an image of a human body in motion.

    As with the design of LEXUS vehicles, which conveys the fluid nature of time, similarly imbued is the present work, in the way it captures time’s form, beauty, and qualities. When two like minds embark on a journey together, a new kind of creativity is born.

    Roppongi Hills, Mori Tower 52F, TOKYO CITY VIEW

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    Artist Profile

    • Bunpei Kimura

      Bunpei Kimura


      Born in 1984 in Gifu Prefecture. Artist, designer. Graduated from Musashino Art University visual communication design department.His works, capturing invisible connections and relationships by combining cutting edge technology with methods and media that has existed from long ago, are now on exhibition.
      The main exhibitions in which he recently participated include Ars Electronica Festival(Austria · 2017), SXSW ART PROGRAM(United States · 2017), and THE DORAEMON exhibition TOKYO 2017(Tokyo · 2017). His works are being publicly collected by the National Media Museum in the United Kingdom and by phaeno in Germany.