MAT Talk

Roppongi Hills, Mori Tower 52F, TOKYO CITY VIEW

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2.24 | 16:00-17:10


Artist Profile

  • nor

    ‘nor’ is a creative label initiated by Japanese artists whose have different background.Our label consists of architects, designers, musicians, engineers, and so on.We create installations and products using with hardware and software integration.The purpose is trying to understand undefined area and create new value through this approach.

  • Masataka Kimura(TASKO inc.)

    TASKO inc. is a 21st century style art company with unique proposal power and solid technical capabilities established by gathering members specializing in stage production, machine production, design and management.

  • Akira Wakita

    Akira Wakita focuses on real time images produced by physical simulation based on fluid-dynamic and thermodynamic models. His art works have been exhibited at Ars Electronica Center, WRO Art Center, SIGGRAPH and Japan Media Art Festival. He also designed Ocean General Circulation Simulation for Geo-Prism in Miraikan, striving for visualization across science and art. Professor at Faculty of Environment and Information Studies, Keio University. Ph.D.(Media and Governance).