Fashion tech designer Olga designs a soft cloth-like speaker for R & D project ‘SOUND FABRIC ORCHESTRA’ It aims to change the way of listening to music, entertainment, and communication in the future. The SOUND FABRIC ORCHESTRA succeeded crowdfunding for fashion installations ‘SOUND FABRIC ORCHESTRA’ at 130%. There will be an exhibition where you can experience music like never before in various ways. The project also received a Generation Award and a Corporate Award in a competition called INNOVATION organized by the Japanese government Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications.
Fashion tech designer Olga
AIST Manabu Yoshida
Artist Profile
Fashion tech designer
Founder of fashion tech design company ish inc.
Assistant Professor of Digital Hollywood Graduate School of Media Science Lab.
Founder of Fashion Tech Lab. The first Japanese fashion tech designer of Tokyo collection brand Etw.Vonneguet using various fashion-tech methods, such as pattern making from 3DCG and digital fashion show using cross simulation.
Currently, she focuses on wearable device design and R & D for various companies.