2.11-2.20 / 11:00-22:00
1,220LEXUS LFAは高さ1,220mmにテクノロジーが凝縮されてる。この作品「1,220」はその車高に合わせた非常に低い空間を作り、寝転がって体験してもらうビジュアル&サウンドインスタレーション。高さ1,220mmという限定された空間で見上げる映像。それは光として認識され、徐々に映像として脳内に被写体を浮かび上がらせる。網膜が受けとった光は脳の最も後ろにある視覚野でイメージとして認知される。そのプロセスは普段意識されることはない。しかし我々が見たものに対して起こす様々な感情は、その距離の間に起きる変換によるものである。その、視覚が認知されるプロセス = 光が意味を成すまでの距離を1,220mm=LEXUS LFAの高さの中で体験化させる。
映像:Tsukaya Suzuki、音楽:DJ UPPERCUT
1,220The Lexus LFA is a mass of technology, compressed into a shape with a height of just 1,220 mm. “1,220” is a video and sound installation that visitors experience by lying inside a tiny space with the same dimensions as the LFA and watching a screen suspended above them. When we watch a screen, we first detect what we see as nothing more than light before it gradually takes form inside our brains. Light captured by our retinas travels to the visual cortex at the back of our brains, and this is where light is first recognized as an image. We are not normally aware of this process, but our emotional reactions to the images we see are triggered by the conversion that takes place in that short span. “1,200” is an attempt to have visitors experience that journey of light attaining meaning across a distance that represents the height of the Lexus LFA.
Film:Tsukaya Suzuki, Music:DJ UPPERCUT
ライゾマティクス / Rhizomatiks
Founded in 2006, Rhizomatiks consists of an eclectic mix of creators, ranging from architects, media artists, musicians and programmers. Harnessing our passion and expertise in technical matters we are able to set free our imagination across the disciplinary boundaries of design, art and entertainment. As we challenge existing formats from interactive designs to spatial design, the results have led to the creations of new formats, which have been recognized through numerous awards received over the years. Some of these awards include: Prix Ars Electronica, Japan Media Arts Festival, Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity, and more.